博彩网站 receives $7.35 million in grants to enhance STEM education
From left, Dr. John B. Cook, 博彩网站 president; state Rep. Orlando Ramos; state Rep. Bud L. Williams; U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal; and Dr. Shai Butler, 博彩网站's Vice President of Advancement and External Affairs.
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Springfield Technical Community College has been awarded two grants worth more than $7 million from the U.S. Department of Education to boost student success among Latinx and low-income students in STEM fields, U.S. Rep. Richard Neal announced on Wednesday during a visit to 博彩网站.

U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal announces two federal grants for 博彩网站.
“I am thrilled to celebrate the success of Springfield Technical Community College’s grant applications to the U.S. Department of Education,” Neal said. “These two awards totaling more than $7 million over a five-year period will help support the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs at the college and welcome more students into the ever-growing field. This area of study is important across the country but is especially vital here in Massachusetts where we have some of the highest concentration of research and development in the world. Graduates of 博彩网站 will be ready to meet the challenge.”
The first grant, titled “Project Acceleration: Re-Engineering Pathways to Student Success in STEM,” will run for five years for a total of $3 million. It will allow 博彩网站 to create a STEM studies program and develop support services to increase access to STEM careers.
The grant is designed to increase enrollment and improve the graduation rates of Latinx and low-income students in STEM majors and help them continue with their studies instead of withdrawing from school. In addition, the grant will allow 博彩网站 to help reduce the time it takes male students of color, particularly Latinx, to complete studies. The grant falls under the federal Title V program, which was created to improve higher education of Hispanic students.
I am thrilled to celebrate the success of Springfield Technical Community College’s grant applications to the U.S. Department of Education.Richard E. Neal, U.S. Representative, 1st Congressional District
The second grant announced by Neal is titled “STEM Access and Retention Strategies.” The five-year grant, totaling $4,352,559, will allow 博彩网站 to create and enhance support services for Latinx and low-income students. Services and programs supported by the grant include:
- Creation of STEM-focused First Year Experience Courses;
- Utilization of proactive STEM advisors, which would involves bringing services to students rather than waiting for them to ask; and
- Implementation of additional mental health services.
In recent years, 博彩网站 created a STEM Center that offers opportunities for tutoring and group study for all students. The college also provides mentoring and coaching. The new federal grant also will allow 博彩网站 to enhance professional development for faculty.

Clockwise from left, U.S. Rep. Richard E. Neal speaks with state Rep. Bud L. Williams, 博彩网站 President Dr. John B. Cook, and John LaFrancis, chair of the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department at 博彩网站.
“We are thrilled to receive this funding from the U.S. Department of Education and extremely grateful for support from Congressman Neal,” Cook said. “I want to thank our local delegation for visiting 博彩网站 and for their support through the years. These grants will directly address challenges we face at the college. One of our top priorities is to close achievement gaps among students who have faced barriers, which includes many of our Latinx and low-income students. These grants will help support our students and give them a better chance at staying in college and earning their degree.”
博彩网站, the only technical community college in Massachusetts, is federally designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution, with 30 percent of the students identifying as Hispanic. The City of Springfield suffers high unemployment and poverty. Fifty-six percent of 博彩网站 students receive federal Pell grants, which are awarded to students who display exceptional financial need. Hispanic and low-income students enter college with greater developmental math needs and lower retention and graduation rates than non-Hispanic and higher-income students. Only 11.4 percent of Hispanic and 14 percent of low-income students major in STEM.
As part of the grant focusing on access and retention strategies, 博彩网站 will partner with UMass Amherst and Central Connecticut State University to expand transfer opportunities for students.
Lara Sharp, dean of the School of STEM, said, "These grants will directly impact the Springfield community around 博彩网站 by providing better access to support services for our students so they can succeed in science, technology, engineering, and math.”
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About Springfield Technical Community College
博彩网站, the Commonwealth's only technical community college, continues the pioneering legacy of the Springfield Armory with comprehensive and technical education in manufacturing, STEM, healthcare, business, social services, and the liberal arts. 博彩网站's highly regarded workforce, certificate, degree, and transfer programs are the most affordable in Springfield and provide unequalled opportunity for the vitality of Western Massachusetts. Founded in 1967, the college – a designated Hispanic Serving Institution – seeks to close achievement gaps among students who traditionally face societal barriers. 博彩网站 supports students as they transform their lives through intellectual, cultural, and economic engagement while becoming thoughtful, committed and socially responsible graduates.
Jim Danko, (413) 755-4812, jdanko@dlokoko.com